Hi, I am, Mattupalli Pritish Jasper(roll no:69), a 3rd semester medical student. This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her consent. This also reflects my patient-centred care and online learning portfolio.

A 73 yr old male patient who is a farmer by occupation came to casualty with shortness of breath

Case sheet:

Chief complaints:

The patient complained of severe breathlessness since 10days and epigastric pain since 4days 

History of present illness
The patient was apparently asymptomatic 12yrs back.Then he developed chronic cough for which he went to a hospital where he was diagnosed with Tuberculosis then he used medication for 6months Then 4yrs back the patient developed a swelling in the scrotum which was diagnosed as hydrocele and then the surgery was done.Since 2months the patient is having breathlessness and used medicines given by the local doctor.He used to drink alcohol to get sleep at night.
1day back he developed a grade 5 SOB then he was brought to the hospital 

History of past illness:
The patient is not a known case of diabetes,asthma,epilepsy and hypertension 

Personal history:
Diet- mixed
Appetite- decreased
Sleep- decreased 
Bowel Movement’s - irregular
Addictions: cigarette(stopped 12 yrs back) and                          .                 alcohol.
No burning micturition

Family history :
No significant family history

Treatment history:
No Diabetes
No asthma
No Blood transfusions
Hydrocele surgery has done
Tuberculosis is present 3 years back

General examination;
Patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative 
Moderately built and nourished
No pallor
No icterus
No cyanosis
No clubbing of fingers
No generalised lymphadenopathy 
No Pedal oedema


 Serum electrolytes reports
Serum creatinine Report

Liver function test


ABG report



Neb. C duolin and Budecort
Inj Lasix 40 mg
Inj Hydrocort 100 mg IV

Tab ecosprin 75 mg

Tab clopidogrel 75 mg

Tab atorrel 


The patient is affected with Relapse pulmonary tuberculosis


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